Monday, 27 February 2023

Death Talon Lair

A while ago I was tinkering with a hex map and I wanted some inspiration for dungeons to put on it.
I used a random dungeon name generator and one of the suggestions it gave was "Death Talon Lair".
The dungeon itself was next to a swamp, so I thought that Death Talon could be a Black Dragon.

I asked myself, what sort of creatures would co-exist with a Black Dragon? Well, the dragon is immune to its own breath weapon which in this case is acid. Oozes and slimes attack with acid, so I thought maybe a Black Dragon would lair alongside them, using them as a natural defence.

Here's the map:

And here's the PDF of the stocked dungeon: Death Talon Lair

1 comment:

Grim Hollow

 This is a 59 room, BFRPG  dungeon for level 1 characters to pillage. There should be amble treasure for a party of 5 to hit level 2 (assumi...