Wednesday 20 March 2024

Sausages of the Devil Swine

This is a silly, 16 room, pig themed dungeon, set below a town. It's stocked for 4, level 5 BFRPG characters and contains a couple of new monsters.

Here's the map:

And here's the mini-module: Sausages of the Devil Swine

Sunday 10 March 2024

Maze of the Bloody Wizard

This was my entry in the No Artpunk III contest. It's an attempt to write a dungeon for high level play and you can find the review of the dungeon here. I was pretty happy with how this one turned out.

The dungeon contains 39 rooms and is stocked for 5 level 9 BFRPG characters (but it should convert to B/X or similar games with no problems).

Here's the map (it's a big one by my standards):

And here's the fully stocked module: Maze of the Bloody Wizard

Monday 8 January 2024

Warren of the Wicked Warlord

This one started out as me mucking about with the dungeon generator from the excellent solo game Four Against Darkness. I cut off some dead ends and corridors that snaked off the map, added some twists and connections to a second level then populated it with ancient Egyptian themed orcs and undead.
Next thing I know, it's grown into a short module for BFRPG (about right for level 6).

Here are the maps:

And here's the fully stocked module: Warren of the Wicked Warlord

Monday 17 April 2023

Shrine of the Razor Gnomes

 This started out as a death-trap tomb complex, but mutated, as I wrote it, into a shrine to a gnomish god of traps. It's designed for 2nd level parties but some of the traps and monsters are nasty and need clever play to avoid or defeat. Time for the party thief to earn his share of the loot.

Here's the map:

And here's the PDF of the stocked dungeon: Shrine of the Razor Gnomes

Sunday 2 April 2023

The Gloom Pits

This multi-level dungeon is inspired by running the brilliant mini-mega-dungeon Dyson's Delve.
My own effort isn't as deep as "The Delve" but is maybe a bit weirder in places.
Fair warning: The dungeon contains energy draining and poison.

I took random dungeon names from this generator to give me themes for the levels.
Next, I connected the levels using Fate dice and the random system linking procedure in the RPG Diaspora. I even did some simple illustrations.

Here are the maps:

And here's the PDF of the full stocked dungeon: The Gloom Pits

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Nantrin Gorr's School of Unlearning

I was thinking about minotaurs in D&D the other day and wondering where do they find all the mazes they need to lair in? Then the thought struck me, maybe the presence of a minotaur mutates a structure into a maze.

So, here's a maze-like one page dungeon, featuring a minotaur lairing in a school. It's themed around a sort of reverse academic god of ignorance.

Here's the map:

And here's the PDF of the stocked dungeon: Nantrin Gorr's School of Unlearning

Monday 27 February 2023

Death Talon Lair

A while ago I was tinkering with a hex map and I wanted some inspiration for dungeons to put on it.
I used a random dungeon name generator and one of the suggestions it gave was "Death Talon Lair".
The dungeon itself was next to a swamp, so I thought that Death Talon could be a Black Dragon.

I asked myself, what sort of creatures would co-exist with a Black Dragon? Well, the dragon is immune to its own breath weapon which in this case is acid. Oozes and slimes attack with acid, so I thought maybe a Black Dragon would lair alongside them, using them as a natural defence.

Here's the map:

And here's the PDF of the stocked dungeon: Death Talon Lair

Sausages of the Devil Swine

This is a silly, 16 room, pig themed dungeon, set below a town. It's stocked for 4, level 5 BFRPG characters and contains a couple of ne...