Monday, 27 February 2023

Death Talon Lair

A while ago I was tinkering with a hex map and I wanted some inspiration for dungeons to put on it.
I used a random dungeon name generator and one of the suggestions it gave was "Death Talon Lair".
The dungeon itself was next to a swamp, so I thought that Death Talon could be a Black Dragon.

I asked myself, what sort of creatures would co-exist with a Black Dragon? Well, the dragon is immune to its own breath weapon which in this case is acid. Oozes and slimes attack with acid, so I thought maybe a Black Dragon would lair alongside them, using them as a natural defence.

Here's the map:

And here's the PDF of the stocked dungeon: Death Talon Lair

Friday, 17 February 2023

Mutants of the Mad Mastermind

If you don't like a bit of Sci-Fi in your fantasy you might want to skip this one.

I've had the maps for this one drawn up for ages, but for some reason found the stocking difficult to finish.
There are multiple maps, new monsters and mutations, so this has grown to 8 pages.

The module is compatible with B/X retro-clones and is printer friendly. It is about right for level 4 player characters.

Here are the maps:

And here's the full PDF: Mutants of the Mad Mastermind

Grim Hollow

 This is a 59 room, BFRPG  dungeon for level 1 characters to pillage. There should be amble treasure for a party of 5 to hit level 2 (assumi...