Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Trove of the Triumphant Troglodytes

This one got too big for a single page, so it's a two page dungeon.
I'm OK with that because you can print it out and staple the pages together as a two page spread.

This time I used the excellent Grid-Mapper to create the map, instead of drawing and scanning it.
I like how clear the map is, but I'm not sure which map style I prefer.

Still compatible with the B/X family of old school retro-clones.
Monsters and treasure should be about right for level 2 player parties.
Still black and white to make it home printer friendly.

Getting better handling Scribus. It's even got a picture in it.

Here's the map on its own:

And here's the full PDF: Trove of the Triumphant Troglodytes

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Lair of the Lamentable Leech Lord

OK. I'll admit it. This is a one page dungeon based on a pun.

The dungeon is compatible with the B/X family of old school retro-clones because this seems to be the lingua franca of the OSR.
Monsters and treasure should be about right for level 4 player parties.
I've kept this black and white to make it home printer friendly.

This is the first thing I've produced in Scribus and, compared to just using Google Docs, I found the learning curve pretty steep.

Here's the map on its own:

And here's the full PDF: Lair of the Lamentable Leech Lord

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Vault of the Forgotten King

This was my entry for the 2022 One Page Dungeon Contest.

"Folks say the Old King was rich and that he descended into his tomb with his treasure, to spend his last days counting it.

Right minded folks shun the barrows, but maybe there's a fortune to be made there by the quick, strong or lucky."

Here's the map for you to key with your own twisted abominations.

And here's the PDF of my complete entry: Vault of the Forgotten King

Grim Hollow

 This is a 59 room, BFRPG  dungeon for level 1 characters to pillage. There should be amble treasure for a party of 5 to hit level 2 (assumi...